

Welcome to the Native Mentors Website where we facilitate the use of professional Native-American artists to teach native students fine arts and film at the professional level in multiple disciplines, as well as providing high-quality fine arts for museums, galleries, and gift shops. We can also assist with cultural, arts, and other educational programs. We are currently putting together a list of mentor/teachers who will be available to consult, create curricula, teach classes, and lecture.


Love  Life




We are now affiliated with the American Indian Families Partnership, and their partners.

The  facility  for our "Motherhood is Sacred" class is located at

The Southern California Indian Center

53440 Wilshire Blvd.   Los Angeles,  Calif. 90010

Telephone: 213-387-5772     Fax: 323-972-1575

Call the center for more information.

We are providing special classes in fine art, that work in ethno-history, parenting skills, pregnancy prevention, and life-skills to American Indian Teens at extremely high risk. We will also be holding specialty "Art Camp" workshops at the Southwest Museum, in Highland Park.

Click Here to see recent and current projects.

Click on image to go to AIFP website.



Call for Artists and Teachers, that want to share....

 We are looking for accomplished Native-American artists who are willing to teach fine art and film to Native-American art students. Get on our Artist/Teacher database and websites. What better way is there for Native American Artists to complete their career circle than to inspire and instruct the next generation to creative endeavors?  Email your addresses below for more information.


Download Student Application

A great article, very much worth sharing, by Peter O’Donoghue:

Creating the life you want with Be, Do, Have


25/02/2014 by everydayaware

In my experience, when you ask someone what they want in the future, the reply is usually a list of activities they would like to do or things they would like to acquire.
When you ask someone, Who are you? The person will typically respond by giving you their occupation.
Which one do you ask most often: What are you doing now? or Who are you being now?
The 3 points above give us a strong insight into how much the notions of doing and having are valued in our hectic world.
Someone who can get a lot done, is efficient and manages time well is praised. A person who has many possessions or great wealth is respected, people who travel a lot and have many life experiences are similarly admired.
These are all outwardly visible activities and realities, making them far easier to recognize than simply the emotional or energetic state someone is maintaining. Who they are being.
But it is crucial to recognize that this inner state exists before you do or have anything. It is the most basic reality you experience at all times and can never escape from. Even if you sat in one spot for the rest of your life and had no possessions you would still possess a state of being.
It is from this inner state, composed of thoughts, values, beliefs, emotions, memories, fears and all of the other complex workings of a human that action arises, and from those actions habits are formed, and from habits come a life.
So forget what you are doing right now and how much money and how many gadgets you have in your pocket and all of the other external processes and just ask Who am I BEING right now?
What thoughts are you thinking? What are you telling yourself? How comfortable are you to even look inwards and give yourself a period of complete stillness and attention? What comes up?
There are many people out there saying they want to be rich, or have a fantastic relationship, or a loving family but don’t realize they are not being the sort of person who does the kinds of actions necessary to have those things.
You can try and want and work for something as much as you please, if you are not ready to receive it based on your deepest beliefs about yourself and the world it will never come.
If you are not being loving, generous, thoughtful and forgiving it is unreasonable to expect such things to come to you from others. It’s no good complaining about your colleagues or the neighbours or politicians, because that comes from a state of negativity and hostility. Again, look at who you are when you are doing these kinds of things. What do they get you?
Gandhi taught to be the change you want to see in the world. Because when you change, your thoughts change, then your actions change, then new habits form and suddenly situations and people you could never of dreamed of coming to you turn up in your experience.
Always remembering that the correct sequence for getting what you want is Be, Do, Have in that order will bring huge changes to your experience.
If you want a million dollars, or any other thing at all, and no amount of trying and working has yet brought it to you, consider who you are being in your life and it may raise some interesting insights for you.
Physics and mysticism tell us that reality is not solid and fixed at all. Everything is energy existing at various frequencies, and who you are being is determining what frequency of energy you are putting out, what setting your transmitter is tuned to if you like.
Like attracts like, so it is far easier to attract what you want by simply aligning your frequency to it and it will naturally be drawn to you.
If you want love, be love.
If you want forgiveness, be forgiveness.
If you want….You get the point.
Less outer work and attention, more inner work and attention. Turn your eyes inwards and you’ll see why your life is as it is.
Bring the words you say and the thoughts you think into conscious awareness, you will be surprised what you notice.

Stay aware, like and share
Peter O’Donoghue



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Bernie with Mrs. Linda Seidner's first grade class during a native mask workshop that was held at the Thomas Jefferson Elementary school in Pasadena, California. Those kids are sooo cool!


God bless you, and have a great day.

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